Márton Nemes (b. 1986, Székesfehérvár, Hungary) is a multimedia artist based in New York and Budapest, creating paintings, sculptures, installations and sounds. He received an MFA from Chelsea College of Arts, London in 2018. Initially inspired by the architecture of Budapest, a city that he has spent the majority of his life residing in, Nemes’s practice is rooted in the colourful abstraction of buildings. Since this early work, and after moving to London, Nemes has been heavily influenced by techno subcultures, continuing to create abstracted colourful works whilst attempting to duplicate the atmosphere and experience of rave culture, creating a disintegration and rearrangement of the pictorial state. Made using a range of materials, Nemes’s artworks are eager to expand and bend, referencing the escapist counter cultures associated with rave scenes, creating multisensory, diverse experiences.





MFA, Chelsea College of Arts, University of Arts London



Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Painting department, Budapest

Budapest Technical University, Industrial design department, Budapest





I Am the Energy I Desire to Attract, Double Q Gallery, Hong Kong – HK
Techno Zen, Hungarian Pavilion, 60th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia – IT
Solo booth with acb Gallery, The Armory Show, New York – US
Amplifier, Elijah Wheat Showroom, New York – US
Look into the Sun with your Eyes Closed, acb Gallery, Budapest – HU
City in the Sky, Double Q Gallery, Hong Kong – CN

The Better Self, Fold Gallery, London – UK
Solo presentation with Annka Kultys Gallery, Salón ACME, Mexico City – MX


Ghosting Love, Annka Kultys Gallery, London – UK
New Positions, solo project with Erika Deák Gallery at Art Cologne, Cologne – DE
Tomorrow, Szent István Király Museum, Székesfehérvár – HU


Under Covered, Kunstklang in collaboration with Erika Deák Temporary Munich Gallery, Munich – DE


Overcoloured, Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest – HU
EAST Meets WEST, Westport Arts Center, Westport – US


Painted Paint, Paksi Képtár, Paks – HU
Out of Order, Contemporary Architecture Center Project Gallery, Budapest – HU


Temporarily Closed, Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest – HU
When Time Speaks, Chimera Project Gallery, Budapest – HU





Abstract Narratives, Fridman Gallery, New York – US
Code+Canvas. Post-Digital Artworks from the Collection of the Hungarian National Bank, CHB – Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Berlin – DE

Abstraction is Freedom, 193 Gallery, Paris – FR

New Mediations, MODEM, Debrecen – HU
Youhu, Kieselbach Gallery and Auction House, Budapest – HU
From “Abstraction” to Abstraction, Stefana Gierowskiego Foundation, Warsaw – PL
Place Value – New Acquisitions, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest – HU


Solid Fiction, Emsdettener Kunstverein, Emsdetten – DE
Ghosting Love, Esterhazy Castle, Eisenstadt – AT


Esterházy Art Award 2019, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest – HU
Expo Chicago, duo with Stine Deja, with Annka Kultys Gallery, Chicago – US
BuBu 02, duo with Zsolt Bodoni, Eleven Twenty Project, Buffalo – US
Falling Out the Rhythm, duo with Małgorzata Szymankiewicz (travelling exhibition), Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest – HU, BWA Warszawa, Warsaw – PL
Carry On, Fold Gallery, London – UK


CACOPTOPIA 03, Annka Kultys Gallery, London – UK


Abstract Hungary, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz – AT
Shaping Realities, duo with Tamás Hencze, Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest – HU


Everyone Has Right, ICA-D, Dunaújváros – HU
You don’t bring me flowers, 68 Projects, Berlin – DE


Abstract Variations, Trapéz Gallery, Budapest – HU
Haunting Monumentality, MSU Zagreb, Zagreb – HR


Eszterházy Prize, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest – HU
X-Ray Texture Pack, Ulrike Hrobsky Gallery, Vienna – AT


Loop, Virág Judit Gallery, Budapest – HU


Wir Waren Leipziger, Labor Gallery, Budapest – HU
Budapest Flow, Virág Judit Gallery, Budapest – HU











Szolga, Hajnal. A művészet mint energiaátadás – Interjú Nemes Márton képzőművésszel [Art as energy transmission – Interview with artist Márton Nemes]. artportal.hu
Kocsis, Katica. Műteremlátogatás Nemes Márton képzőművésznél [Studio visit with artist Márton Nemes]. kultura.hu

Fehér, Dávid. Márton Nemes. In Youhu – The New Generation of Contemporary Art, 236-243. Kieselbach Gallery, Budapest
Takáts, Fábián. A vizualitáson túl – Nemes Márton új tárlatáról [Beyond visuality – about Márton Nemes’s new exhibition]. artportal.hu
Kocsis, Katica. A műélvezet végeláthatatlan technoparti – Nemes Márton az acb-ben [Enjoying art is an infinite techno party – Márton Nemes at acb]. kultura.hu

Biró, Attila. Két egyetemet otthagyva lett elismert festő Nemes Márton: a képei már milliókat érnek [Márton Nemes left two universities to become a recognized painter: his works are already worth millions]. penzcentrum.hu

Kortárs Művészet és Mecenatúra – Nemes Márton és Spengler Katalin [Contemporary Art and Patronage – Márton Nemes and Katalin Spengler]. novekedes.hu
Abstract Hungary.  Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien – Sternberg Press, Graz
Szilágyi, Róza Tekla. Eleve meglévő dolgokat helyezek egymás mellé úgy, hogy abból valami más lesz. Interjú Nemes Mártonnal [I juxtapose already existing things so that something else results from it. Interview with Márton Nemes]. artmagazin.hu
Rieder, Gábor. About Techno. Interjú Nemes Mártonnal [About Techno. Interview with Márton Nemes]. artkartell.hu
2018-ban a Deák Erika Galéria Nemes Márton kiállítása a legszebb stand. [In 2018, Erika Deák Gallery’s exhibition of Nemes Márton is the most beautiful stand]. artmagazin.hu
Caune, Helmuts – Timofejev, Sergej. Art Cologne 2018 A sea of art on three levels. arterritory.com
Hering, András. A hét kreatívja: Nemes Márton [The Creator of the Week: Márton Nemes] phenom.hu


Sipos, Tünde. Generációs párbeszédek a festészetben. Avagy mivé válik napjainkban a mester-tanítvány viszony? [Generational Dialogues In Painting. Or what form does the master-pupil relationship take today?]. prae.hu
Fehér, Dávid. Fennmaradó festészet. Hencze Tamás / Nemes Márton – Shaping Realities [Lasting Painting. Tamás Hencze / Márton Nemes – Shaping Realities]. Balkon, 4. 9-13.


Kegyes, Júlia. Nem akarok félni. A többi meg jön magától. Interjú Nemes Mártonnal. [I do not want to be afraid, the rest comes from itself. Interview with Márton Nemes]. artportal.hu


Boros, Phyllis A. S. EAST meets WESTport’ translates artist’s vision. westport-news.com
Ébli Gábor: Anyag? Kísérletek! Nemes Márton új sorozatairól [Material? Experiments! About Márton Nemes’s new series]. Balkon, 2. 31–34.


Fehér, Dávid. Törésvonalak. Nemes Márton festészete az absztrakción túl. [Lines of rupture. Márton Nemes’s painting beyond abstraction]. In Márton Nemes: Megfestett festék – Painted Paint. Exhibition catalogue. 5–29. Paksi Képtár, Paks
Gárdonyi, László. A modernitás vizsgálata. Nemes Márton festményeihez. [Examination of Modernity – For Márton Nemes’s Paintings]. Mozgó Világ, 2014. 1. 38-43.



Esterházy Art Award, Budapest – HU
BuBu Artist Resident Exchange Program, Buffalo – US


Residency at Westport Art Center, Westport – US


Residency Salzburg, Land Salzburg – AT



Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung Prize, Budapest – HU

Erasmus, Leipzig – DE